A collaboration between Walt Disney and Salvador Dali, Destino is a surrealist animated short film that was finally completed after 58 years in production and released in 2003. The movie narrates the myth of Chronos and his love for a mortal woman, told through surrealistic dreamlike visuals. Read on to find out how you can watch and stream Destino online!
Here’s where you can watch Destino online.
Where can you watch and stream Destino?
You can watch and stream Destino on Disney Plus.
Destino is directed by French director Dominique Monféry, and written by Salvador Dali along with John Hench and Donald W. Ernst, and it runs for a total of seven minutes.
How to watch Destino and stream online
To watch and stream Destino online, you will need a Disney Plus subscription, and choose a plan from among the many budget-friendly options that the streaming service is providing. Sign in via the Disney+ website or the app, with your email id, or phone number with a password, and purchase a plan of your liking, and you’re good to go! After that, you can simply search ‘Destino’ and enjoy.
Here are the standard and Bundle plans that you can get,
- Basic Disney Plus (with ads)- $7.99/month
- Premium Disney Plus (ad-free)- $10.99/month
- Premium annual Disney Plus (ad-free)- $109.99/year
- Disney Plus Bundle Duo with Hulu- $9.99/month (Basic with ads) and $19.99/month (Premium ad-free)
- Disney Plus Bundle Trio with Hulu and ESPN+- $12.99/month (Basic with ads) and $19.99/month (Premium ad-free)
The official synopsis for Destino reads:
“Short film to a song of love lost and rediscovered, a woman sees and undergoes surreal transformations. Her lover’s face melts off, she dons a dress from the shadow of a bell and becomes a dandelion, ants crawl out of a hand and become Frenchmen riding bicycles. Not to mention the turtles with faces on their backs that collide to form a ballerina, or the bizarre baseball game.”