Viewers of Kengan Ashura season 2 are wondering how many episodes are in the series and when each new episode comes out. Set during the Edo Period, this anime series centers on Tokita Ohma, one of the most dangerous gladiators who earned his name by winning street fights. His skills were noticed and he was scouted by the Nogi Group. Tokita will now come across deadlier opponents and garner the attention of big business owners.
Here’s how many episodes are in Kengan Ashura season 2 and on what day new episodes come out.
How many episodes are in Kengan Ashura season 2?
Kengan Ashura season 2 has 12 episodes.
The episode list is as follows:
- Episode 1: Omen
- Episode 2: Blast Core
- Episode 3: The Clown
- Episode 4: Dignity
- Episode 5: Suicide Attack
- Episode 6: An Old Friend
- Episode 7: Hell
- Episode 8: Resurrection
- Episode 9: Superiority
- Episode 10: Life and Death
- Episode 11: Rebel Flag
- Episode 12: Melee
This anime is based on a manga series by Yabako Sandrovich. The cast of Kengan Ashura includes Tatsuhisa Suzuki, Chō, Jouji Nakata, Yumi Uchiyama, Hayato Kaneko, Tetsu Inada, Junya Enoki, and Daisuke Namikawa.
When do new Kengan Ashura episodes come out?
All episodes of Kengan Ashura season 2 are currently available to watch. There are no new episodes. Similar to the first season, Netflix has divided the second season into two parts. The much-awaited season 2 part 1 premieres on September 21, 2023, on Netflix. The second part is expected to be released in 2024. Users can also stream season 1 on Netflix through a subscription.
The official synopsis for Kengan Ashura Season 2 reads:
“The second round of the Kengan Life-or-Death Tournament continues — without Ohma. As the mighty gladiators clash, a shadowy figure plots a violent coup.”
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