The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

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Rating: PG-13


Elijah Wood as Frodo

Sean Astin as Sam

Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn

Ian McKellen as Gandalf

Andy Serkis as Gollum/Smeagol

Billy Boyd as Pippin

Dominic Monaghan as Merry

Miranda Otto as Eowyn

David Wenham as Faramir

Orlando Bloom as Legolas

John Rhys-Davies as Gimli

Liv Tyler as Arwen

Karl Urban as Eomer

Noel Appleby as Everard Proudfoot

Alexandra Astin as Elanor Gamgee

John Bach as Madril

Sean Bean as Boromir

Cate Blanchett as Galadriel

Sadwyn Brophy as Eldarion

Alistair Browning as Damrod

Marton Csokas as Celeborn

Bernard Hill as Theoden

Ian Holm as Bilbo

Bruce Hopkins as Gamling

Ian Hughes as Irolas

Lawrence Makoare as Witch King/Gothmog

Bret McKenzie as Elf Escort

Sarah McLeod as Rosie Cotton

John Noble as Denethor

Paul Norell as King of the Dead

Thomas Robins as Deagol

Harry Sinclair as Isildur

Peter Tait as Shagrat

Stephen Ure as Gorbag

Hugo Weaving as Elrond

Special Features:

“The Quest Fulfilled: A Director’s Vision” (23:05)

“A Filmmaker’s Journey: Making The Return of The King” (28:30)

“National Geographic Special: Beyond the Movie” (45:57)

Six featurettes: Aragorn’s Destiny, Minas Tirith: Capital of Gondor, The Battle of Pelennor Fields, Samwise the Brave, Eowyn: White Lady of Rohan, Digital Horse Doubles

The Battle For Middle Eath Continues–Video Games from EA (3:00)

“The Lord of The Rings” Trilogy Supertrailer (6:45)

3D Animated Menus

DVD-ROM: Weblinks to exclusive content

Other Info:

Widescreen (2.35:1)

Dolby Digital EX 5.1 Surround Sound

Stereo Surround Sound

Spanish Subtitles

Running Time: 200 Minutes


This is the final film in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. It is based on the book by J.R.R. Tolkien.

As Sam, Frodo, and Gollum continue to make their way into Mordor to destroy the One Ring, Frodo continues to feel its effects. Not only does he become physically weaker, but it begins affecting his mind. While Frodo is in this weakened state, Gollum sees his opportunity to kill the Hobbits and reclaim his “precious”. Sam is wise (no pun intended) to his scheme, yet he is unable to convince Frodo of the impending danger from their guide. He can only wait for the time when Gollum will strike.

Meanwhile, Aragorn, Gandalf, and the remaining fellowship learn that Sauron is about to attack the Gondorian city of Minas Tirith. It appears that the last stand between good and evil on Middle Earth will take place there. Our heroes rally the remaining human armies for battle. However, Gandalf discovers that Denethor, the king of Gondor, has gone mad with grief over the death of his son Boromir (from the first film). With the king unable and unwilling to lead, it’s up to Gandalf to manipulate events so that the humans can stand a chance in the final battle.

Aragon also finds added motivation to win the battle. As Sauron grows stronger, his elf love Arwen begins to die. If he wants to save her, he must reclaim his throne and lead the humans against Sauron. He looks for help in the most unlikely and terrifying of places. But even if he wins a new army to aid him, he knows all hope lies with Frodo succeeding. But will Frodo be able to find the strength to destroy the ring that has so enchanted him?

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King is rated PG-13 for intense epic battle sequences and frightening images.

The Movie:

If you liked the first two Lord of the Rings movies, you’re going to really enjoy Return of the King. It’s as good, if not better than the first two films. Unlike with The Matrix or Star Wars, this is a film that concludes a trilogy with a bang rather than a fizzle. ROTK takes everything that made the first two films great and improves on them. The acting is more emotional. The battles are larger in scope and spectacle. You’ll find yourself laughing, crying, holding your breath, and gasping in awe.

Return of the King does take a while to get going. It begins by showing the origin of Gollum. It’s a powerful scene that immediately puts you back into the mood of the story and it sets up things to come later in the film. However, the next hour or so is rather slow as director Peter Jackson repositions the players for the final battle. There is a lot of exposition and drama that may make some viewers antsy. Fortunately, though, the movie kicks back into overdrive and delivers an impressive and satisfying end to the epic tale.

The most notable things about Return of the King are the spectacular battles. While they make the battle in The Two Towers look like a skirmish, it doesn’t make it any less impressive. Instead we are treated to more warriors, more creatures, and more scenes of creative mayhem that will leave you begging for more. One of the cooler moments in the battle is a fight scene between the riders of Rohan and the giant Oliphants (briefly seen in The Two Towers). Imagine the AT-AT scene in The Empire Strikes Back. This ends up being like an updated, re-imagined version of the classic battle scene. You’re going to love it. Fans of Legolas will particularly enjoy a scene where he single handedly dispatches one of the beasts. The confrontation between Eowyn and The Witch King is also quite stunning and will have the female fans in the audience cheering the warrior princess on. The arrival of the ghost army is also one of the coolest tings I’ve seen on screen all year. It’s imagery that is unique and amazing and will stick with you well after you leave the theater. Jackson also does an incredible job of including all the creatures we’ve only seen glimpses of in the previous films. Look for wargs, trolls, eagles, and more.

Each film has a few breakout characters and this one is no exception. This time around the award goes to Samwise Gamgee played by Sean Astin. His utter devotion to Frodo and their powerful friendship ends up giving him plenty of opportunities to show emotion through the film. He shows anger when confronting Gollum. He shows despair when turned away by Frodo. He shows determination on the slopes of Mt. Doom. He even shows bravery and his fighting skills when facing the giant spider Shelob. When he finally returns home and sees the girl he has had a crush on, you cheer him on when he confidently decides he’s going to marry her. All in all, he has one of the best performances of the film.

Other breakout characters include Miranda Otto as Eowyn. Her transformation from potential love interest of Aragorn to warrior princess was quite a sight to see. She provides many of the moments worth cheering in the film. Ian McKellen also shows us a new side of Gandalf. He turns from wizard to warrior and commander in the film. He has some impressive fight scenes where he battles with his staff and sword. However, one of Gandalf’s most impressive moments comes when he pauses in the midst of battle to tell Pippen about the adventure after death. It’s quite a touching moment and you see how they all turn from despair to hope even in the face of certain doom. Bernard Hill is also excellent as Theoden. He delivers a pre-battle speech worthy of Braveheart in the film. Finally, Andy Serkis is wonderful yet again as Gollum and Smeagol. We finally get to see his real face in the prologue. As the CG character, he’s still impressive. His effects are even more amazing when shown close up. The fine attention to detail really makes him come alive. This is one CG character that can act.

Rounding things out, the score by Howard Shore is probably the best of the series. He not only utilizes previous themes, but he produces new ones that make the final battles even more exciting. The final song during the credits by Annie Lennox is my favorite of the lot. (Look for drawings of each of the characters during the final credits. It’s a nice touch.) The special effects are all first rate. Not only is the CGI awesome but the traditional miniatures help make it all the more realistic. The CG Shelob also sets the new standard for movie spiders.

As you know, ROTK won Best Picture at the Oscars and I think it was well deserved. The writing is superb. The acting and characterizations are spot on and you truly care for them. When the movie wraps up you really feel like you’re saying goodbye to friends you won’t see again. The picture is epic in scale and it is destined to become a classic. Peter Jackson and his cast and crew deserve recognition because they’ve made a landmark achievement on many levels.

As awesome and wonderful and satisfying as this movie is, I recognize that it does have a few minor problems (though they are easily overlooked).

First off is the running time. At over three hours long, this movie will test the bladders of even the toughest moviegoer. Still, I’d rather have more running time and have them get the movie right than cut it short. And even as long as the movie is, there are portions towards the end that seem rushed. When Aragorn finally takes the mantle of King and leads the army into battle, it seems to happen a little too quickly.

There are also multiple endings for the film. There is scene after scene in the movie where it looks like everything is going to end. However, I found these multiple endings totally necessary in order to wrap up the story and keep loose ends from developing. After all, this is a world we aren’t ever likely to revisit (except in a Hobbit prequel) and there are a lot of questions to answer. And anyone that’s ever read Return of the King knows that half of the book is the epilogue after the main battle is won.

In every one of the movies die hard LOTR fans have griped about what was changed or cut from the book. Besides the obvious inclusion of Shelob from the Two Towers, there aren’t a whole lot of changes. The scouring of the Shire where the Hobbits return home to drive off invaders is now gone. The final confrontation with Saruman and Wormtounge is also nowhere to be found. In fact, Christopher Lee is not in the movie at all. We also don’t get to see Faramir and Eowyn hook up. Hopefully, though, hints of these will be added back into a special edition DVD of the film.

My only other gripe was the look of the Orc commander. He looked like Sloth from The Goonies. Every time he came on screen I had to snicker at the resemblance and it ripped me out of the moment. Ugh! I also wish they had put “Frodo lives!” hidden somewhere in the credits.

Return of the King is a worthy conclusion to the series and one of the few satisfying endings to a trilogy. I’m really sad to see it all end, but it has been a really fun ride. I walked out hoping more than ever that Peter Jackson will get to do “The Hobbit”.

The Extras:

As you probably know, there’s going to be a deluxe, special edition of ROTK coming several months down the road. With tons of extra footage and bonus features, it has a lot more to offer than this DVD. Still, this one is worth picking up to hold you over until the next edition. Here are a few of the extras:

“The Quest Fulfilled: A Director’s Vision” – This feature sings the praises of Peter Jackson (which are well deserved). It discusses how he got the rights to the stories, how the movie was shopped from studio to studio, and how he got the movie made. There’s a lot of footage of Jackson, interviews with cast and crew, and more.

“A Filmmaker’s Journey: Making The Return of the King” – This is a brief “making of” video on ROTK. Unfortunately, it re-uses a lot of the footage and interviews from the previous feature. There were a couple of times where I thought I accidentally had started the feature I had already watched.

“National Geographic Special: Beyond the Movie” – This 45 minute National Geographic special compares LOTR with real world historical events and figures. Amid clips from the films and interviews with the cast, the documentary compares Aragorn to William Wallace and Roosevelt, Gandalf to Benjamin Franklin, Sam and Frodo to Lewis and Clark, Wormtongue to Rasputin, and more. While the documentary is interesting, it doesn’t get into the historical figures enough to be really in-depth. The feature also comes across as a big promo for the movie despite the legitimate historical comparisons. Web Documentaries – These are documentaries that were originally featured on the LOTR website and they are probably the best bonus feature on the DVD. (They probably won’t be included on the special edition DVD either, so it’s nice to pick them up here.) They cover such topics as Aragorn, Minas Tirith, The Battle of Pelennor Fields, Samwise the Brave, Eowyn, and Digital Horse Doubles. These features have a ton of behind the scenes footage and they get heavy into the making of the special effects and such. Just the kind of things a geek like me loves. All of them are well worth checking out.

The Bottom Line:

Return of the King is a required addition to your DVD collection, but you may want to wait for the upcoming special edition to purchase it. However, if you do pick it up now, it will have some features you won’t find on the later edition, so it’s not a big loss.

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