Yakamoz S-245 on Netflix

How to Watch Yakamoz S-245 on Netflix

When disaster strikes Earth, one submarine crew on a mission is spared. Yakamoz S-245 follows Arman, a marine biologist on the submarine, and his crew as they work to uncover what really happened above the water. If you’re wondering how to watch Yakamoz S-245 on Netflix, here are some methods to do so.

Where to Watch Yakamoz S-245

Good news! You and your family can enjoy not only Yakamoz S-245 but everything Netflix has to offer. With Netflix, there are no extra costs and no contracts. Watch from your smartphone, tablet, smart TV, laptop, or streaming device. Plans range from $6.99 to $19.99 a month, making it easy to pick an option that gives you access to hit TV shows, movies, documentaries, and more. 

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How Many Episodes Are in Yakamoz S-245?

Yakamoz S-245 on Netflix

There are seven episodes in Yakamoz S-245. Each episode lasts 45 minutes on average. You can check the complete list of Yakamoz S-245 episodes and their scheduled date release here below.

  1. “Episode 1”: April 20, 2022
  2. “Episode 2”: April 20, 2022
  3. “Episode 3”: April 20, 2022
  4. “Episode 4”: April 20, 2022
  5. “Episode 5”: April 20, 2022
  6. “Episode 6”: April 20, 2022
  7. “Episode 7”: April 20, 2022

What Are the Critics Saying About Yakamoz S-245?

Yakamoz S-245 received a 56% from audience viewers. Reviews were split on the series, with some viewers finding the show to be boring and poorly written. Others, however, found the character development and submarine details to be a key draw of the show. 

Yakamoz S-245 presents a unique apocalyptic story that promises to concentrate as much on interpersonal relationships as it does the fact that the sun just killed most of humanity.” – Joel Keller, Decider

Yakamoz S-245 expands a world that has to be one of my favorite science fiction series that Netflix has put out. It has a fantastic premise, near-perfect execution, and compelling characters.” – Kate Sanchez, But Why Tho?

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Is Yakamoz S-245 Suitable for Kids?

Yakamoz S-245 is rated TV-MA, which is suitable for viewers ages 17+. The series contains moderate profanity and frightening or intense scenes. It also contains mild depictions of sex and nudity, violence and gore, and alcohol and drugs.

How Can I Watch Yakamoz S-245 in Its Original Language?

Yakamoz S-245 is originally in Turkish. In order to watch Yakamoz S-245 in its original language, set language settings to Turkish with English subtitles from the menu options of your streaming device.

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