James Cameron’s Guilty Pleasure is … Resident Evil?

In a recent interview with Empire, Academy-Award winning director James Cameron took a moment to discuss one of his “guilty-pleasure films.” Drum roll, please!

“One of my guilty-pleasure films that I actually think is quite beautifully made is ‘Resident Evil.’ Watching Michelle Rodriguez in that film, moving like this feral creature, is joyful.”

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I can concur with Cameron that Rodriguez’s performance in Paul W.S. Anderson’s original Resident Evil film is actually quite joyful to watch, though it is surprising to hear the director of such classics as Terminator 2: Judgment Day, The Abyss, Titanic, Avatar, and Aliens regard the film as beautiful to watch — even as a guilty pleasure.

Of course, that might have simply been a sly dig at Anderson, who also directed that horrible Alien vs. Predator film that more or less derailed the Alien franchise for good, and also hindered a potential James Cameron/Ridley Scott Alien 5 team up — it’s true! Look it up. (Or click here.)

Or, Cameron might actually consider Resident Evil a beautifully made film. Also, he directed Rodriguez in Avatar, so it’s also a nice shout out to the actress. In any event, Cameron also spoke about another classic film that he educated his children with during the COVID-19 lockdown.

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“I’ve got my kids at home and their taste is so different than mine,” Cameron said. “But I try to expand their horizon a little bit. They got a hankering for a Western the other night and I said, ‘What about True Grit with John Wayne?’ They said, ‘Who?’ I said, ‘Alright, we’re watching True Grit.’ They absolutely loved it. My teenage girls are very horse-oriented, and now they know who John Wayne is.”

James Cameron watching classic John Wayne films? That makes a lot more sense.

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