CBS has ordered the development of a new police drama, H-Town from writer Samantha Corbin-Miller (Law & Order: SVU), alongside Jeffrey Kramer’s Juniper Place Productions and CBS TV Studios, according to Deadline. The series will be based on the Canadian police drama 19-2.
The remake, which is set in Houston, follows two cops from opposing sides of a multi-generation family. Despite their differences, the two find themselves relying on one another as they begin working a case that could have dramatic implications for their sprawling family. No other details are available at this point.
The original series, 19-2, was a French-language police drama that ran for three seasons between 2011-2015. It was previously adapted into an English-language version in Canada, which was also called 19-2. The English language version ran for four seasons, and was even nominated for a Best Drama Series International Emmy Award.
Corbin-Miller and Kramer will serve as executive producers for the CBS adaptation along with Echo Media’s Luc Chatelain and Sphere Media Plus’ Jocelyn Deschenes, who was an executive producer of the Canadian series on which H-Town is based.