South Park Season 22 Episode 3 Recap

In the previous episode of South Park, Father Maxi befriended Butters and learned the horrific truth about the Catholic Church’s treatment of child sexual abuse. What does this next installment have in store? Let’s find out as we recap South Park season 22 episode 3 ‘The Problem With a Poo!’

Budgetary Restrictions

South Park Season 22 Episode 3

At city hall, Mayor McDaniels discussed with the other members of the city council the matter of cutting the budget. The Mayor called in Mr. Hankey, who was working as the director of the Christmas pageant and told him that his budget had been cut in half. Meanwhile, at South Park Elementary, Mr. Hankey rehearsed the school band and noted that they were terrible at performing their Christmas songs.

PC Principal went to Vice Principal Strong Woman’s office and apologized for initiating a relationship with her. Strong Woman obviously still harbored some feelings for PC Principal. Cartman, Stan, and Kenny went to Kyle’s house and showed him a recent tweet that Mr. Hankey had posted. This caused Kyle to go to Mr. Hankey’s office and confront him over the tweet. Hankey apologized for his tweet. Strong Woman called for an assembly covering in-vitro fertilization in the gym. PC Principal urged the kids to ask their parents about in-vitro, and Strong Woman promptly went into labor.

Angry Mob Mentality

South Park Season 22 Episode 3

Mayor McDaniels and the rest of the city council confronted Mr. Hankey about another controversial tweet, and they promptly fired him from the Christmas pageant. Mr. Hankey went to a lawyer’s office and asked if he could sue the makers of Ambien for causing him to tweet out angry things. All of the lawyers refused to help him. Mr. Hankey eventually enlisted Kyle, as the son of a lawyer, to help him with his lawsuit. At the hospital, Strong Woman gave birth to 5 babies, who were obviously fathered by PC Principal, But she refused to acknowledge this fact.

Mr. Hankey’s hearing began, Hankey attempted to defend all of his statements as jokes. He then angrily stormed out of the hearing, declaring that he had important Christmas-related work to attend to. Strong Woman and PC Principal took the babies to the grocery store and they were immediately noticed as PC babies. Hankey realized that the only reason people were angry with him was because the holiday spirit had abandoned South Park. He convinced Kyle to help bring the holiday spirit to South Park early.

The Holiday Spirit

South Park Season 22 Episode 3

Mr. Hankey put on a Christmas-themed musical performance which immediately caught the attention of all people in South Park. The PC Babies were upset by Hankey’s Christian orientated performance, which angered Hankey and resulted in him and Kyle getting into a fight. Hankey attempted to apologize to Kyle, but Kyle refused to accept the apology. Strong Woman and PC Principal acknowledged that he was the babies father, but they needed to keep it secret from the children. Mr. Hankey was kicked out of South Park and told never to return. 

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