Warner Bros. just sent over the poster and trailer for Tim Burton‘s Dark Shadows, a feature film adaptation of the 1960s TV series with Johnny Depp starring as the vampire Barnabas Collins, a vampire who emerges from his 200-year-old grave, uncovered by construction workers in the year 1972, and seeks out his descendants — as well as some long-ago foes and a possible lost love. Along with Depp, the film co-stars Eva Green, Jackie Earle Haley, Michelle Pfeiffer, Helena Bonham Carter and Chloe Moretz.
The film hits theaters in less than two months on May 11 and it had become something of a waiting game when it comes to this trailer, which had me wondering just what exactly we should expect. Now that it’s here I’ll let you be the judge.
You can check out both the trailer and poster directly below and you can get an even larger look at the poster along with seven other images from the film in my gallery right here.