‘Twilight’ Posters, ‘Star Trek’ Trailer, Ed Norton’s Not Nice and ‘Wall Street’ Sequel

All Posters has Twilight posters for sale including the Edward and Jacob posters fans have been bidding on at eBay. Also in Twilight news, a no-brainer article over at Deadline Hollywood doesn’t tell us any more about the filming of New Moon, the second book in the “Twilight” franchise, than we already knew. Oh, and the Twilight running time is coming in at exactly 120 minutes.

Check it out, it’s Jessica Biel’s head on an international banner for Easy Virtue.

Coming Soon has one hell of a boring international poster for Street Fighter.

Just Jared has your first look at Jude Law as Watson in Sherlock Holmes.

Mark Wahlberg talks The Lovely Bones with SCI-FI saying:

“I’m not one of those Shakespearean actors that thinks about the color blue or goes to that place or thinks about that place when I wanted to hide and be alone as a kid. I have my past, which has a lot of stuff to draw from, and I have children, so I think about something horrible happening to my family. That’s why I can’t wait until the last of shooting: so I can go home and hug my kids and get those thoughts out of my head.”

A sequel to Wall Street called Money Never Sleeps will be written by Allan Loeb (Things We Lost in the Fire and 21) and apparently Gordon Gekko is part of the story, but Michael Douglas will only return of the script is good enough.

If you believe the following screen capture from Craigslist Ed Norton is quite the mean grocery shopper:

New word from TrekMovie tells us to expect a full length trailer for Star Trek this November. Speculation has it attached to Quantum of Solace (11/14).

MTV is reporting the Hulk may serve as the villain in The Avengers (7/15/2011). Makes sense considering the fantastic ending to Louis Letterier’s The Incredible Hulk.

Yahoo has debuted the poster for Pixar’s Up (5/29/2009).

Cinematical has a funny “sitting president” banner for W. as well as a poster for The Ugly Truth (4/3/09) which stars Katherine Heigl and Gerard Butler.

Meanwhile, it looks like my non-coverage of Lethal Weapon 5 was justified as Dick Donner told the Los Angeles Times the following:

“Mel [Gibson] turned it down,” Donner said. “I would like to think that Mel turned it down because I wasn’t involved. Knowing Mel, I would like to think that. Would that be the kind of thing he does? It sure would be.”

“It’s too bad, actually, because Channing Gibson, who wrote the fourth one, and Mike Riva, a designer on three of them, and myself and Derek [Hoffman, an associate at The Donner Company] had an incredibly strong story for the fifth movie. But we weren’t given the opportunity and I think maybe I could have convinced Mel to do it. But Warners chose to go with Joel Silver.”

“Yes, the project is pretty much dead in the water unless someone had the sense to come to me.”

If you hadn’t heard yet, Dreamworks got over that Paramount divorce really quick and is now in bed with Universal.

Joseph Gordon Levitt is getting in on the politics game with this video and I am sure most of you have seen the celebrity don’t vote vid, but have you seen the Don’t Go See Nicolas Cage Movies PSA (via SlashFilm):

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