CS Video: Targoviste and the History of Dracula Untold’s Vlad Tepes

Now available on Blu-ray and DVD, Dracula Untold is Universal Pictures’ latest entry in the studio’s enduring “Universal Monsters” franchise and stars Luke Evans (The Fast and the Furious 6, The Hobbit) as Vlad, a cinematic amalgamation of truth and myth that blends the actual Romanian ruler with the legend of Dracula, the Bram Stoker horror icon that Vlad inspired. As part of the promotion for the new release, ComingSoon.net was invited to travel to Romania to explore some of the locations involved in the region’s history. Earlier this week, we debuted our first video, offering a tour of Transylvania’s Bran Castle. Now, in the player above, you can take a look at our visit to Targoviste which, in the 15th century, represented the seat of power held by Vlad Tepes, the Wallachian prince also known as Vlad Dracula and, for his violent conquests, Vlad the Impaler.

In the video, local tour guide Mihai Nastase offers some details on the importance of Targoviste in the life of Vlad. Although the prince is to this day infamous for his extraordinary acts of violence (he once impaled and beheaded 23,000 Turks as an act of revenge), Vlad is nonetheless regarded as a hero by many Romanians for the extraordinary lengths he went to to defend his kingdom.

Be sure to check back on Friday for our final video, which features an exclusive extended interview with Evans wherein he talks about the surprises in store for fans on the Blu-ray and the potential for bringing his Dracula back as the Universal Monsters franchise gets moving again!

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