Exclusive Inside Game Final Trailer: The Untold True Story of the NBA Betting Scandal

Exclusive Inside Game Final Trailer: The Untold True Story of the NBA Betting Scandal

One of the greatest sports scandals in modern history is coming to the big screen and on VOD when the drama Inside Game arrives this November. ComingSoon.net has the exclusive final trailer for the upcoming drama thriller based on the true-life NBA betting scandal. You can watch the trailer now in the player below, and check out the poster in the gallery!

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Inside Game centers on the 2007 NBA Betting Scandal involving the National Basketball Association and accusations that an NBA referee used his relationships between referees, coaches, players, and owners to bet on professional basketball games. During an unrelated mob investigation, the FBI stumbled upon the scam and actively pursued legal action against all parties. The FBI investigation led to numerous arrests, including one referee being sentenced to 15 months in federal prison.

Set in Philadelphia, the film details the real-life story of Tommy Martino (Scott Wolf), who along with his two childhood friends, NBA referee Tom Donaghy (Eric Mabius), and a bookie Baba Battista (Will Sasso) hatches a foolproof scheme to make millions by betting on games Donaghy is refereeing.

“Inside Game is an inside look at the lives affected by people who think they are above the law. Unethical plans almost always seem easy, and they almost always have an inescapable crack because we are all human,” said director-producer Randall Batinkoff (37).

Inside Game stars Scott Wolf (The Night Shift, Nancy Drew, Meet My Valentine), Eric Mabius (Resident Evil, Chicago Fire, Signed, Sealed, Delivered), Will Sasso (The Three Stooges, Boss Level, Super Troopers 2), Lindsey Morgan (The 100, Summertime), and Oscar nominee Michael O’Keefe (The Great Santini, Homeland). The film was written by Andy Callahan (Taken) and is produced by Michael Pierce, Paul Martino, Batinkoff, and Robert Capelli.

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Inside Game will open on over 100+ screens in more than 20 of the top NBA markets, as well as on VOD, on November 1. iDreamMachine will distribute.

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