Light week of movie watching this week as I’m celebrating my first wedding anniversary this weekend in Whistler, but I did end up seeing the new Liam Neeson movie A Walk Among the Tombstones and at home I saw Dumb and Dumber and watched half of Top Gun. Otherwise, I will have to get back into full swing this coming week as I really need to get back to my “Best Movies” columns and I’ve also got a lot of people that wrote in wanting to write for the site and some great candidates are bubbling to the top, possibly opening up the site to a few new voices in the coming days.
With my week out of the way, let’s hear from you. What did you watch this weekend? Any of you manage to see The Guest or The Drop? I chose Tombstones over The Maze Runner, the latter of which will be winning this weekend’s box office, so a couple of you must have seen it… right?