Last night saw the premiere of HBO’s new show, “The Leftovers” from Damon Lindelof (“Lost”, Prometheus), directed by Peter Berg and featuring a massive ensemble cast. Running 75 minutes long, the episode introduced us to a world where three years ago, 2% of the Earth’s population just up and vanished. There’s no known reason as to why, not obvious similarities between the departed and those that remain. Nothing.
The show doesn’t hinge on cliffhangers, major acts of violence, nudity or fantasy realms, but instead focuses on character and, as a result, may test the marketing might of HBO as the visceral needs of the audience aren’t going to be fulfilled in the same way as they are with shows such as “Game of Thrones” or “True Blood“, though, having seen the first three episodes, I can tell you this one is a slow burn and if you were intrigued you’re going to want to stick with it.
With the wealth of characters introduced in the first episode I’m sure some of you may want to discuss any one of them, but my largest area of interest fell with those called the “GRs” or “Guilty Remnants”, a group I can’t say I entirely understand… Okay, I understand what “Guilty Remnant” means, but I can’t understand their guilt or their silence or why they feel it’s necessary to antagonize people or stalk others and bring them into their fold.
If I attempt to work it out, they call themselves guilty, because they are guilty for not leaving with the others… right? Or are they guilty in the sense that those that left the Earth were innocent? And if they believe those that left were innocent, does that suggest they believe what took place was the Rapture? And if that’s the case, doesn’t the Rapture suggest those that are left behind (the titular “leftovers” in this case) have a second chance during the Tribulation period… or am I getting that all wrong?
To go along with that, what’s with the not talking and if we aren’t talking to each other why is it okay to write things down? Doesn’t that defeat the purpose? If you have any theories on these GRs I’d love to hear them. Please, set me straight.
I’m sure more will be revealed when it comes to these folks, but within the confines of the first three episodes I was left scratching my head.
Overall, I like what I’ve seen so far and Lindelof has me properly intrigued, but that could also be due to the fact I was able to watch three episodes right in a row. HBO also sent me the fifth episode, but not yet the fourth, so I haven’t watched the fifth yet for obvious reasons.
If you missed the first episode you can watch it in its entirety below.
“The Leftovers” continues next week, here’s a look ahead, let me know what you thought of the pilot episode in the comments below.