2014 Oscars: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

The Selfie

You’ve seen it by now and as of this posting it has 2.7 million retweets. I could be cynical and say there are more important things that could become that infamous on Twitter, but it’s Twitter so, let’s not get too judgmental.

Too bad Liza missed out. Gotta wear platforms Liza!

Kim Novak and Goldie Hawn

Uh, plastic surgery took a blow last night…

Leto’s Photobomb

You may have missed this one…

McQueen’s Clap

It’s not Brendan Fraser at the Golden Globes, McQueen is far more dignified than that, but it’s a clap that’s capturing attention.

McQueen Jumping

Of course, this is how I think most of us will remember Steve McQueen from last night as he jumped for joy after his Oscar speech.

The Speeches

I’ve already listed my top five right here, but I’ll post my favorite once again for reference.

[yt id=”fluQ6iyy85g” width=”610″]


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