What I Watched, What You Watched #179

This week’s theatrical trips included a screening of Warm Bodies and then a 10 PM screening of Bullet to the Head on Thursday night. The latter I had to catch due to getting hit hard with a stomach virus on Sunday night that had me in bed most of the day on Monday and recovering for two days after that. The week of watching was not over yet however.

Over the last two days I have now managed to watch nine episodes of the Netflix 13-episode mini-series “House of Cards” though by the end of the weekend I hope to have it completed entirely.

I am actually writing up this edition of “What I Watched” on Saturday night, ready to hit play on episode ten and hoping I’m done with the show before midnight, since I don’t really want to interrupt my Super Bowl viewing experience with concerns of finishing this series before the end of the day.

That said, I am going to do my best to have a complete write up of the series done by midday Monday for discussion. I am currently enjoying what I’m seeing and this thing is a showcase for two actors in particular, but I’ll remain mum on those thoughts for now so we can discuss a little later.

In fact, that does it for me. How about you? What did you watch and did any of you catch “House of Cards”? I know some of you saw Bullet to the Head and Warm Bodies as those discussions where carrying on bit-by-bit throughout the weekend, but let’s hear about it all in the comments below and feel free to toss in a Super Bowl prediction if you have one… My pick… the Ravens, but I’m really just hoping for a good game.

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