2012 Oscars Live Blog: Winners and Live Commentary!

[7:21:04 PM] Laremy says: We’re now both eleven for fifteen. Once you crush me in shorts life will be complete.

[7:25:17 PM] Brad says: Angelina Jolie is “the original girl with the dragon tattoo” according to Billy Crystal. She is out to announce Best Adapted Screenplay and she is showing a lot of leg to do it… not sure why.

[7:26:24 PM] Laremy says: Jolie loves leg. Don’t hate on that.

7:27:01 PM: And the winner for Writing (Adapted Screenplay) is The Descendants written by Alexander Payne, Nat Faxon and Jim Rash

[7:29:05 PM] Brad says: Now for Original Screenplay….

[7:29:46 PM] Laremy says: Really hoping for Midnight in Paris here.

7:30:01 PM: And the winner for Writing (Original Screenplay) is Midnight in Paris written by Woody Allen

[7:30:23 PM] Laremy says: Woody’s speech was my favorite of the night.

[7:31:18 PM] Laremy says: For what it’s worth, we’re both 13 for 17. Buckle up, this is going to be close.

[7:34:12 PM] Brad says: Laremy tells me shorts are coming up next which is when we find out if I have a respectable prediction score or a rather pathetic one.

[7:36:51 PM] Laremy says: I don’t feel good about these shorts. At all.

[7:37:19 PM] Brad says: Milla Jovovich handed out the sci-tech Oscars and she’s here to tell us about it.

[7:38:55 PM] Brad says: The Bridesmaids ladies will now hand out the Oscars for the shorts. Let’s see how we do.

[7:39:50 PM] Laremy says: I’ve got Time Freak and Brad has The Shore in this category.

[7:40:02 PM] Brad says: Winner for Best Live Action Short The Shore

[7:40:15 PM] Brad says: I got the first one right… Yay!

[7:40:44 PM] Laremy says: It’s strange they put shorts so late in the program.

[7:41:31 PM] Laremy says: Congrats on your call. The ship be sinking over here.

[7:42:04 PM] Laremy says: SAGs “Scorsese” callback!

[7:42:32 PM] Brad says: Winner for Best Documentary Short Saving Face

[7:42:59 PM] Brad says: Wowsers, that’s two for two for Brad on shorts. Laremy is loving it over here. Seriously, he’s patting me on the shoulder and rubbing my knee, which is a little weird.

[7:44:12 PM] Laremy says: I’m very sad right now. Brad is gloating.

[7:45:09 PM] Brad says: Winner for Best Animated Short The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore

[7:45:48 PM] Brad says: Okay, going 3-for-3 on shorts is nice. Makes me feel like a real winner… for about ten seconds… I’m over it.

[7:47:12 PM] Brad says: Commercial time and then director… Can Scorsese beat out Hazanavicius?

[7:50:28 PM] Brad says: And now we have Michael Douglas to present Best Director

7:52:59 PM: And the winner for Best Director is Michel Hazanavicius (The Artist)

[7:53:38 PM] Laremy says: Looks like The Artist for Best Picture is now a lock again, after looking not so solid for the past two hours.

[7:53:39 PM] Brad says: So there you go, I think we can say The Artist is going to be our Best Picture winner.

[7:55:28 PM] Brad says: It’s pretty amazing, if at the beginning of last year I gave you the names Malick, Scorsese, Allen, Payne and Hazanavicius, which one would you say would have won Best Director at the Oscars?

[7:56:02 PM] Brad says: Meryl Streep will now alert us to the Governor’s Awards

[8:00:26 PM] Laremy says: If my numbers are correct, and The Artist wins out with Best Picture and Jean Dujardin, then Hugo and The Artist will both end up with five wins. A very fragmented field.

[8:00:46 PM] Brad says: So it looks like we have In Memoriam next, probably a commercial break, then the two lead acting awards, probably another commercial and then back for Best Picture. They may actually get this done by 8:30.

[8:02:33 PM] Brad says: Surprisingly enough, this year’s Oscars haven’t been nearly as painful as the Globes or Oscars. Crystal has done well also. Overall, not as bothered by tonight’s Oscars as I thought I would be. That’s a win.

[8:10:50 PM] Brad says: Actor is up next, do we still agree Dujardin has the win over Clooney? If so, it is looking like five for Hugo and five for The Artist. Oh, and two for The Help if Davis wins, and those will be your multiple Oscar winners.

[8:11:40 PM] Laremy says: You smell any upsets coming?

[8:11:43 PM] Brad says: I will say no.

[8:13:14 PM] Laremy says: Yeah. I was just hoping.

[8:13:40 PM] Brad says: Natalie Portman will present Best Actor

[8:15:13 PM] Brad says: Wow, they are going to really drag this out with Portman addressing each nominee and then a montage afterward.

8:18:19 PM: And the winner for Best Actor is Jean Dujardin (The Artist)

[8:21:35 PM] Laremy says: Good for Jean, he’s worked the crowd in a big way these past few months.

[8:23:20 PM] Brad says: Wow, the server is getting hit hard as we move into the final two awards. Hold on baby.

[8:24:17 PM] Brad says: Next we have Colin Firth to present Best Actress and the server is holding on as best as it can.

[8:26:10 PM] Laremy says: Why do the lead categories get this special treatment? Can’t a Supporter get some love?

8:29:16 PM: And the winner for Best Actress is Meryl Streep (The Iron Lady)

[8:29:51 PM] Brad says: Wow, take that Viola.

[8:30:17 PM] Laremy says: That was a shocker.

[8:31:06 PM] Brad says: Okay, congrats to Meryl, I’m just frustrated I won’t hit 20 right.

[8:32:47 PM] Brad says: And now for Best Picture, presented by Tom Cruise.

[8:34:01 PM] Laremy says: Okay, if this isn’t The Artist the Internet might blow up.

8:35:53 PM: And the winner for Best Picture is The Artist

[8:37:53 PM] Brad says: And there you go, few surprises tonight and yet I still missed five. Oh well, I tried.

[8:44:53 PM] Laremy says: Congrats to Brad on his 19 correct. Good show everybody, drive home safely.

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