‘The Road’ is Expanding On December 18 and Here are the Target Cities

I obviously don’t do this for most films, or really any films for that matter, but considering I alerted you to the markets The Road would first be hitting on its November 25 release I figured I may as well keep you up-to-date as the information continued to roll in. And guess what, information has rolled in.

On December 18, The Road will be expanding and I have been told by a Weinstein Co. rep they are targeting 53 additional markets around the US. Now when I say “targeting” that means they are still working on confirming theatres. So while your city’s name may be on this list it still isn’t 100-percent confirmed.

  1. Cleveland
  2. Indianapolis
  3. Hartford & New Haven
  4. Charlotte
  5. Raleigh-Durham
  6. Nashville
  7. Cincinnati
  8. Milwaukee
  9. Columbus, OH
  10. Greenvll-Spart-Ashevll-And
  11. Salt Lake City
  12. Memphis
  13. Norfolk-Portsmth-Newpt Nws
  14. West Palm Beach-Ft. Pierce
  15. Buffalo
  16. Louisville
  17. Albuquerque-Santa Fe
  18. Providence-New Bedford
  19. Las Vegas
  20. Fresno- Visalia
  21. Albany-Schenectady-Troy
  22. Little Rock-Pine Bluff
  23. Richmond-Petersburg
  24. Knoxville
  25. Wichita-Hutchinson Plus
  26. Des Moines-Ames
  27. Honolulu
  28. Tucson(Nogales)
  29. Omaha
  30. Paducah-C. Gird-Harbg-Mt Vn
  31. Shreveport
  32. Syracuse
  33. Rochester, NY
  34. Spokane
  35. Springfield, MO
  36. Portland-Auburn
  37. Ft. Myers-Naples
  38. Champaign&Sprngfld-Decatur
  39. Chattanooga
  40. Madison
  41. Davenport-R. Island-Moline
  42. Burlington-Plattsburgh
  43. Colorado Springs-Pueblo
  44. Lincoln&Hstngs-Krnyplus
  45. Charleston, SC
  46. Springfield-Holyoke, MA
  47. Tallahassee-Thomasville
  48. Monterey-Salinas
  49. Columbia-Jefferson City
  50. Gainesville
  51. Charlottesville
  52. Bend, OR
  53. Puerto Rico

For more on The Road click here and for my review you can read that here. The first list of markets I published can be found here, and the script just went online, which is detailed further right here.

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