Box-Office Oracle: Dec. 5 – Dec. 7, 2008

#1 movie predicted correctly: 0 Weeks in a Row
The box office will drop around 50% this weekend. Call it the calm after the storm. Regardless, predicting this weekend is a bit like flirting with the prettiest ugly person.
Estimate: $15.0 million
2. Bolt
There’s a chance Bolt will win this thing. What do you do with a film that doesn’t follow the natural known laws of the box office universe?
Estimate: $14.3 million
I’ve got a crazy idea. What about releasing the next two Bonds a month apart? If everything is frontloaded now why are we taking a year off? I bet both of them would make more if people could see two in a weekend. Can I patent this idea?
Estimate: $13.8 million
I can only drop it 57%. Pretty severe though, right? All the teen girls have moved on already. Probably to something called “The Jonas Brothers.”
Estimate: $12.0 million
Did you know that Twilight gained theaters this weekend? Yep. It’s because Hollywood took time off this weekend. You should too.
Estimate: $10.2 million
I hate to even give this one dollar. But I’m predicting there are around 1.2 million rubes out there.
Estimate: $10.0 million
Hey, where did all the Australia buzz head off to? Gone, gone, like a turkey in the corn.
Estimate: $7.3 million
It’s made $30m worldwide. And as it’s a Lionsgate project we can assume the budget was peanuts. Thus, this is a financial success. Problem solved!
Estimate: $5.7 million
When you don’t have any theaters it definitely makes it tough.
Estimate: $3.8 million
Not listed this weekend: Nobel Son. But if you email me I’ll tell you how little it will make.
Estimate: $3.5 million
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