Just in case anyone doesn’t know and hasn’t read my review of Quantum of Solace yet (catch it here), I enjoyed it a lot and am actually checking it out again for a second time tonight. I actually applaud the quick cuts and enjoyed it for all its action and lack of “quieter” moments. And I am sure many of you already know it is the shortest Bond in the franchise, coming in at 106 mins.
However, Jeff Wells at Hollywood Elsewhere is reporting on a rumor he heard that the film may have been longer but some specific scenes were cut because they “didn’t rise to the occasion”:
The word around the campfire, I’m told, is that the film was originally longer than the final-cut length but that none of the quieter scenes were working and Olga Kurylenko’s scenes with Craig didn’t rise to the occasion, so they just decided to cut them all out.
Admittedly Kurylenko is not much of an actor per-se, but she is extremely attractive and the work she does in Quantum is basically relegated to looking hot and kicking a little bit of ass. Personally I wouldn’t have wanted to seen any softer/quieter moments, they were unnecessary. The film sets out to pain Bond as a wounded bad ass and it accomplishes its goal. he uses one woman and tosses her aside and while he forms a bond (no pun intended) with Kurylenko’s character, you feel no real connection and it’s part of the film’s strong suit.
Trust me, check this flick out this weekend, I don’t think you will be disappointed.