USA Today has yet another exclusive image today and this time around it is the sought after first look at the Predalien (Alien/Predator hybrid) from the upcoming Aliens vs. Predator – Requiem set to hit theaters on December 25.
The article the image comes with goes on to say how the directors, the Strause brothers, went into the film with hopes of bringing it back to the storied roots, a la Ridley Scott’s Alien and the first Predator. Colin Strause tells USA Today’s Scott Bowles, “[Alien] was dark. That movie used a lot of rain, and that movie was scary. We want it more like the classic early Alien and Predator movies we grew up on.”
The article insinuates that the Predalien we saw burst from the chest of the poor Predator at the end of the first AVP is in fact leading the charge as the creatures descend on a small Colorado town in AVP – R.
For a complete look at the article click here.