Sydney Pollack is set to direct Recount for HBO Films, a film about the 2000 presidential election with emphasis on what execs say is the “human drama” that permeated news events. Activists, strategists, politicians and even voters will figure into the storyline.
The scripted film will follow the Florida recount from Election Day through the Supreme Court’s ruling in favor of George W. Bush five weeks later.
Danny Strong wrote the script and I can’t decide whether it would be better to go serious with this film or more tongue-in-cheek. I can see how making a serious film about the subject might garner some attention, especially with the film hitting television before the 2008 election, but a lot of times, and especially with Pollack, something like this can get a bit heavy handed and border on boring.
Personally, I would love to see Matt Stone and Trey Parker at the helm with their Team America puppets, but hey, I am just out for entertainment.
Pic goes into production in spring or summer and is expected to air on HBO next spring and, I assume based on success and buzz, will try and hit DVD shortly thereafter.