BEST OF 2006: Laremy’s Picks

Shortly you will be knee deep in the best top ten in the business (from the “New Ebert”) but first it’s time for a “mea culpa” because I didn’t make it to every movie. What did I miss? Here’s the laundry list.

Notes on a Scandal: It looks really bad though. I bet it wouldn’t have made the list regardless.

Sherrybaby: Maggie’s performance earned her a Golden Globe nomination but I’ve heard in some corners that it’s really depressing.

Blood Diamond: Brad keeps raving about it, to the point where I sometimes have to ask him to settle down. It looked like a fairly typical action to me which is why I’ve skipped it so far. If it gets an Oscar nomination I’ll have to reconsider.

Borat: In my defense the buzz on this is really strange. It basically only has a chance at a symbolic nomination and I’ve watched enough of the Ali G. to call myself satiated.

Kinky Boots: Mostly I didn’t see this because no one did, no one anywhere in the world.

Happy Feet: I just heard it gets strangely political at the end. That’s the final nail in the “I’ll pass” coffin.

The Painted Veil: I was set to go see it before reality set in. Only like a dozen people care, and only 18 have even heard of it. Skipalicious.

United 93: I took my bullet for World Trade Center (which I liked). I can only stand so many horrifically sad movies in a year.

Lady in the Water: I have a sneaking suspicion this will make Brad’s list, that’s good because it gives me an out on all the films I love that no one else does.

Basic Instinct 2: Risk Addiction: Ha! Just wanted to see if you were paying attention.

#10 Lucky Number Slevin
I am the first to admit I am a sucker for crisp dialogue. That’s where my love for the Coen Brothers comes from. It’s also fast paced and has Bruce Willis killing folks. It can rock my DVD player anytime.
#9 Winter Passing
There is no difference between this film and Wonderboys. They both have a nice ensemble cast and feature grizzled writers as a major plot point. Some films just get lost in the cracks and this is one of them. Thus ends my 2006 crusade for this little film.
#8 Mission Impossible 3
The difference between this and Casino Royale was Phil Seymour Hoffman. It’s a slight difference, but here is my action flick of 2006.
#7 The Queen
Clearly the most innovative movie of the year. I found this peek behind the British throne hella interesting. I liked Mirren. This is a film you could show damn near anyone and have them appreciate it.
#6 World Trade Center
I might never watch this again and yet it’s my sixth rated film of the year. That’s due to the massive wave of emotion that hit me, and kept hitting me, throughout watching it. World Trade Center is executed on a very high level, it’s effective, it’s one of the best of the year. Still though, maybe skip it.
#5 Dreamgirls
If a film presents great music I forgive a lot. It looks as though I’ve forgiven more than I realized as people keep pointing out flaws to me. I’m standing by Dreamgirls though, being transported to a time and place through song is worthy of praise.
#4 V for Vendetta
What if you made a master political statement and no one noticed? Such was the fate of V for Vendetta but I’m still hopeful a few people watched it and “got it.” Mysterious and moody, this year’s coolest film.
#3 Bobby
The movies I most appreciate weave a ton of plots and complexity. I’m a short attention span style of guy, and this is a movie broken up into about 90 parts. It captures the time and place of RFK, vastly underappreciated by you heartless types.
#2 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest
There seems to be some unwritten rule that any film the general public loves can’t be that good. What the hell? For my buck Pirates had moments of artsy, action, comedy, and derring-do (the first time that word has been used since 1929). I’d watch this any day of the week. Hollywood isn’t always screwed up, sometimes we get a gift. Can’t wait for the third one.
#1 Dave Chappelle’s Block Party
You don’t grab the top spot without me feeling high when I walk out of the theater. I gave it an A+ after that viewing, and I still salute it today. This one has such an awesome mix of comedy and music. I recommend it to everyone I can, and occasionally people I can’t (such as those going the opposite direction on the freeway). A must see for any hip-hop fan, a probable see for any movie fan in general.

How about the films that were almost good enough to crack the top ten? What will happen to those sad carcasses? They will get a mention, but it won’t be numbered, and you may be asleep by now. Honorable Mention or bust!

Casino Royale: If they would have lost the love angle they had me.

The Last Kiss: It was a down year for romantic comedies but this was a good one.

Children of Men: I can’t slobber it as much as B-Luv but it was taut and interesting.

The Good Shepherd: I love long movies but I’ll admit I’m punishing it for the long running time. It’s hard for me to fully tout because if you hate it I owe you three hours.

A Good Woman: Why didn’t more people like this? A cute little story with S-Jo that the world passed on.

Scoop: See Above.

Over the Hedge: A very good animation, cool music by Ben Folds too.

Inside Man: In some strange way this was what Miami Vice was trying to be, a cool feeling keep ya guessing effort.

Little Miss Sunshine: My only knock is that in hindsight it feels very aware of it’s own irony.

Trust the Man: It turned into a sketch comedy instead of a fully fleshed out movie but I like all the sketches.

We are Marshall: The best sports movie of the year. Really the only sports movie even worth talking about.

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