FoxNews is carrying a story reporting that Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones has filmed his part in Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End as Captain Jack Sparrow’s (Johnny Depp) father.
Shooting is taking place in Palmdale, California and Bill Nighy confirmed to the news source that Richards was a bit “wobbly” while filming. Here is the report:
“You’ve got to keep straight,” Verbinski told him.
“If you’d wanted straight, then you got the wrong man,” Richards replied huskily.
Richards’ pirate costume, sources say, closely resembles Depp’s, with a different colored bandana. The two had such a good time together that Depp kept a souvenir from Richards’ short visit: a set of stairs built for Richards to get in and out of his trailer, which he signed to Depp with the salutation, “A step too far.”
Take this story as rumor, but it is going to be fun to see Richards in the role as Depp is on record saying he modeled his performance as Jack Sparrow after the popular musician. Pirates of the Caribbean 3 hits theaters May 25, 2007. For more on the film click here