E3 Previews New Horror Games With These Terrific Trailers


E3 unleashes a series of great horror gaming trailers.

Join gaming enthusiast Ron Purtee as he takes you on a tour of E3’s upcoming horror game previews with these wicked and weird trailers…


Release Date: January 24, 2017. (Also fully compatible with the Playstation VR mode)

 I’ve been a fan of the Resident Evil franchise ever since I picked up a controller and was taken by Resident Evil 2 all those years ago, but in years, the franchise has faltered and tried to add more action into the games while lacking in any horror.  That being said, the trailer for Resident Evil 7: Biohazard kind of leaves you with more questions than answers.  The game seems to be centered around a house and is more first person now than it was before. At some points, it almost had a found footage feel. It’s a new, Silent Hill, like take on the Resident Evil franchise and I can’t wait to try it!

You can watch the trailer for yourself here:


Release Date: TBA

I’ll be honest, I’m not exactly sure what I just saw. I know I saw dead crabs, and dead fish. There were handprints in what looked like dirt and a handcuffed, nude Norman Reedus was somehow attached to a baby that disappeared.  I know less about this game than when I went in. Which was basically it is the first game from Hideo Kojima, the creator of the Metal Gear series, since leaving Konami

Maybe you can make heads of tails of it by watching the trailer here:


Release Date: October 2016

Probably, for my money, one of the most anticipated trailers to come out of E3 is that for the long awaited Friday the 13th game that has been in development for so long. There are many things to notice in the trailer. You can hear Mrs Voorhees whispering orders to Jason.

“They’re here Jason, find them, bring them to Mommy”.

The Higgins house from Part 3 is replicated in the game and from the gameplay trailer it would appear that Jason is wearing the same outfit from the film when he was portrayed by Richard Brooker.

“They don’t belong here Jason, punish them.”

During the game play trailer, you see Jason committing murder after murder in the only way Jason can. From leaning someone against some rocks and stepping on their back and breaking it, bashing someone’s head into a house till they die and to stabbing someone right through the couch, the game really captures the inventive kills that we all know and love from the franchise.  The aesthetic of the game looks fantastic. At one point,  one of the characters is running around using a flashlight, which during the course of game play will attract Jason to your location.  They run into a house and put on a radio to draw Jason away from their location but of course that doesn’t help as we see a very ominous visage of Jason through the window before he breaks through the door and dispatches his hapless victim.

“hahah That’s my boy. Hunt them down and make them pay.”

From what I can tell, we see many different versions of Jason in the game. I was able to see Part 2, Part 3 and Part 7. (‘Im really looking forward to playing as sack-head Jason).

The creators of this game really took care in making sure that this was the Friday the 13th game that fans of the franchise would want to play over and over again. Even enlisting Kane Hodder (Part 7.8. Jason Goes to Hell and X) to do the motion capture for the game. Tom Savini to come up with kills and Harry Manfredini to work the score. That alone peaked my interest.

You can find out SO much more by watching this gameplay trailer:

Head over to www.f13game.com right now to take a virtual tour and even pre-order the game which will be out for Xbox One and PS4!













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