The X-Files: Joel McHale Joins in Perfect Role

Joel McHale, Community star and The Soup host is the first new actor to join the highly anticipated The X-Files revival, a six-episode event premiering on FOX next January.

Deadline reports McHale will have a role that seems note-perfect for the comedian: Tad O’Malley, the anchor of an online conservative news network. McHale’s smarm, satire and sarcasm will likely nail this one on the head. The site notes Tad grows into an unlikely ally for David Duchovny’s Agent Fox Mulder. McHale’s last genre role was in Scott Derrickson’s NYC exorcism film, Deliver Us From Evil

McHale joins Duchovny, Gillian Anderson and Mitch Pileggi in the series, all reprising their now beloved roles. The X-Files creator Chris Carter is back, penning the new season, which will premiere Sunday, January 24th 2016.

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