The Los Angeles Ripper

One thing that we, as fans, of this genre do more than most others is idolize and appreciate the bad horror movies. We know they’re bad, but we’ve found something uniquely loveable and worthwhile within its content. It’s always a joy when you find the bad movie that you like, and even though all of your friends might belittle you for liking a bad movie, you still get a sense of pride out of genuinely loving a terrible movie. So, it’s a shame when you watch a movie which is terrible and in the end you can’t say “Well it was worth watching because it’s actually pretty cool even though it’s bad.”

The Los Angeles Ripper is the kind of movie you would get if you took someone who was overly tired and made them watch American Psycho, let them start to sleep it off and then wake them up in a flurry and force them to explain the plot. It lacks any kind of subtext, which is the opposite of American Psycho.  The content certainly strives to get noticed based on it’s sheer gratuitous nature, however.  

More than once there is a shot of a woman’s ass as she walks down the street. The nudity is also as irrelevant and useless as these scenes. The sole purpose of every female character in this film is to either just move the plot a long or become cannon fodder (would it be considered knife fodder for a serial killer?), so on that note it is offensive. It doesn’t portray women in a strong light, makes them seem weak, and only as tools for the sexual gratification of the titular character.

Effects are a crucial point in films. If done well they can really enhance the entire experience and, if done poorly, they can ruin what would have been an otherwise watchable movie. Now, before you think the effects are what is holding this movie back, don’t, they only hurt it. I’m a real stickler for real-looking gore. If blood is too pink or too red I tune out, if it still pumps out of people after they’re supposed to be dead I don’t buy it, and if it flows with the consistency of water I get mad. All three of these things are worthwhile descriptions of The Los Angeles Ripper.

All of the performances in the film are mediocre at best, with a the kind of air about them that this was the only take they were going to be allowed and even if they messed up it would end up in the film. I have nothing against micro-budget films, but if you’re not answering to a studio or a boss why race against an opponent that isn’t there? Make your picture in a timely fashion, take your time, and do the best possible job you can.

The only thing I can praise this movie for is the characterization of the lead character. He is without a doubt a psycho. It might be poor writing, but the way he jumps from topic to topic, his mannerisms and ways of speaking, along with his weird sexual deviancy, coupled with a love for mass murder makes the main character in this film a prime example of what a person who is completely insane would look and act like.

In short The Los Angeles Ripper is a shabbily put together film with poor acting, writing, music, and camera work. This film is not scary and makes no sense. It hovers around the fringes of past genre pictures but does nothing to cement itself alongside them or to even differentiate itself. Also, if one of the adjectives about a character used is “ripper” it might be ideal to make sure his primary means of killing is stabbing.

Rating: 2 out of 10

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