It Looks Like Chloe Moretz is the Next Carrie

An offer is an offer, however, and nothing is solid until the talent says, “yes.”

Well, it looks like Moretz agreed.  She took to her Twitter account to say, “Never been so happy in my life! Thank you Kim Pierce and thank u MGM for the chance of a lifetime i will never forget!”

Kimberly Peirce (Boys Don’t Cry) is helming the redo for Screen Gems and MGM.

Rumored to play Carrie’s mom?  Jodie Foster or Julianne Moore.  I’m sure confirmation on one of those two will be coming in soon.

Between Moretz and Bennett, the former is more apropos.  Bennett is in her 20s – by no means a bad thing, of course, but Carrie needs to be in her teens.  Moretz is 15.

The original Carrie was played by Sissy Spacek in Brian DePalma’s adaptation.  Angela Bettis took on the role in a made-for-television remake.

(Photo Credit: Adriana M. Barrazza/

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