Birch Booted from Stage Dracula

All because of her dad, way to go

Drastic changes have occurred to the Dracula stage show we first mentioned in November.

Leading lady Thora Birch has been fired days before the production began its previews.

Early reports say Birch’s father, a former porn star, threatened the Birch’s male co-star during a rehearsal. The scene he got worked up about involved his daughter getting a massage. Mind you, Birch’s pop isn’t in the production, nor is he the director, but he supposedly told the actor on stage, “Listen, man, I’m trying to make this easier on you — don’t touch her.” At that point, the real director, Paul Alexander, thought it’d be wise to remove the actress from the production.

The Times finds Birch’s father denying he threatened her co-star.

Mr. Birch said [an] interview that his daughter had been “a little uncomfortable on stage because an actor kept rubbing her back.”


Was it just the producer and director’s way of letting Birch go because of her performance? Alexander denies that’s the case.

For the full story, follow the NY Times link above.

Source: The New York Times

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