Covid Diaries NYC is a documentary series that follows five young filmmakers as they document their families’ experiences during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in New York City. The series offers a firsthand look at the chaos, fear, and resilience of families on the frontlines against the virus, all while a bustling city grapples with a deadly illness and social unrest.
Here’s how you can watch and stream Covid Diaries NYC via streaming services such as HBO Max.
Is Covid Diaries NYC available to watch via streaming?
Yes, Covid Diaries NYC is available to watch via streaming on HBO Max.
Covid Diaries NYC is about how the city of New York handled the first wave of COVID-19. Through the eyes of five young filmmakers, the documentary series offers an intimate look at the pandemic’s impact on their families. These families weren’t just bystanders; they were right on the frontlines, facing the fear and uncertainty of a rapidly spreading virus head-on. Woven into this personal struggle is the backdrop of a city struggling to cope with a deadly disease and the social unrest simmering beneath the surface.
Some of the cast members include Aracelie Colón, Rosemary Colón-Martinez, and Camille Dianand among others.
Watch Covid Diaries NYC streaming via HBO Max
Covid Diaries NYC is available to watch on HBO Max. Max, formerly HBO Max, is a streaming service with movies and shows from HBO, Warner Bros., DC Comics, Cartoon Network, and more. It also has its own original content. You can watch Covid Diaries NYC and other shows and movies with a subscription.
You can watch via Max, formerly known as HBO Max by following these steps:
- Go to
- Click ‘Sign Up Now’
- Choose your plan:
- $9.99 per month or $99.99 per year (with ads)
- $15.99 per month or $149.99 per year (ad-free)
- $19.99 per month or $199.99 per year (ultimate ad-free)
- Enter your personal information and password
- Select ‘Create Account’
Max With Ads provides the service’s streaming library at a Full HD resolution, allowing users to stream on up to two supported devices at once. Max Ad-Free removes the service’s commercials and allows streaming on two devices at once in Full HD. It also allows for 30 downloads at a time to allow users to watch content offline. On the other hand, Max Ultimate Ad-Free allows users to stream on four devices at once in a 4K Ultra HD resolution and provides Dolby Atmos audio and 100 downloads.
The synopsis of Covid Diaries NYC is as follows:
“Five young filmmakers share stories of their families, who were on the frontlines during the first wave of the Coronavirus. These intimate accounts shine a light on families caught in chaos and crisis, in a city hiding from a deadly virus, in a country riven by social upheaval.“
NOTE: The streaming services listed above are subject to change. The information provided was correct at the time of writing.