Developed by Studio MAPPA, Oblivion Battery is a baseball anime TV show. It is an adaptation of the namesake manga series by Eko Mikawa. The plot revolves around catcher Kei Kaname and pitcher Haruka Kiyomine. While dealing with the onset of amnesia, Kei teams up with Haruka and their former rivals to form a baseball team for their new school. The series premiered in Japan on April 10, 2024. If you are curious about the prospects of Season 2 of Oblivion Battery, this is what we have found out.
Here’s all the Oblivion Battery Season 2 release date information we know so far, and all the details on when it is coming out.
Is there an Oblivion Battery Season 2 release date?
Oblivion Battery Season 2 does not have an official release date, but it will likely be announced in the future.
As of April 2024, MAPPA has not announced the second season of Oblivion Battery. Considering that Season 1 recently premiered, this is predictable. The renowned animation company will likely go through the first season’s performance with the audience before deciding the anime’s fate. Mikawa’s source material currently has 17 volumes and is ongoing. It’s unlikely that the anime will catch up to the manga by the end of Season 1. So, if the audience response is positive, Oblivion Battery can get a second season.
The voice cast of Oblivion Battery includes Toshiki Masuda as Haruka Kiyomine, Mamoru Miyano as Kei Kaname, and Yuki Kaji as Taro Yamada.
Where is Oblivion Battery Season 2 coming out?
Oblivion Battery Season 2 could come out on TV Tokyo and other networks in Japan and Crunchyroll in the US.
This is because season 1 of Oblivion Battery came out on the same networks. ComingSoon will provide an update if and when MAPPA officially announces the second season.
The official synopsis for Oblivion Battery reads:
“Star pitcher Haruka Kiyomine and skilled catcher Kei Kaname were an unstoppable duo—until Kei was hit with a curveball: amnesia. Now they have a second chance to play at a no-name high school with a team of past rivals. Can they overcome Kei’s memory loss and rekindle their baseball dreams? With hilarious hijinks and fierce competition, get ready for a strikeout.”