The Impossible Heir is a South Korean series that deals with themes such as betrayal and revenge. The plot revolves around Kang In-ha, an impoverished young man who learns that he is the son of a wealthy business owner. This sets him on the path of revenge against his affluent family members. The Impossible Heir Season 1 debuted on Disney Plus on February 28, 2024. Wondering whether there will be Season 2? This is what we have discovered.
Here’s all the The Impossible Heir Season 2 release date information we know so far, and all the details on when it is coming out.
Is there a The Impossible Heir Season 2 release date?
The Impossible Heir Season 2 does not have an official release date, but it might be announced in the future.
As of early March 2024, there is no official announcement about the second season of The Impossible Heir. This is not unusual as Season 1 just premiered, and Disney will likely assess its performance with the audience before making any decision. Korean dramas often wrap all their storylines within one season, though this has started to change because of their rising popularity. We will know The Impossible Heir falls into which category once Season 1 ends. If there is a narrative scope for it and if the audience responds to Season 1 positively, there will probably be another chapter.
Some of the cast members include Lee Jae-wook as Han Tae-oh, Lee Jun-young as Kang In-ha, Hong Su-zu as Na Hye-won, and Choi Hee-jin as Kang Hui-ju.
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Where is The Impossible Heir Season 2 coming out?
The Impossible Heir Season 2 could come out on Disney Plus.
This is because Season 1 premiered on the same service. ComingSoon will provide an update if and when Disney announces the development of the sophomore season.
The official synopsis for The Impossible Heir reads:
“An ambitious boy grows up and joins an intense war of desires to become a star of his own.”