Prison School Season 1 is a comedy Japanese animated series aired in 2015 and based on the manga of the same name. It is the story of Kiyoshi, an average teenage boy. Hachimitsu Academy, once an all-girls school, has now become a co-ed institute. Kiyoshi is one of the five male students to enroll. His excitement is short-lived when he is caught peeping on the girls. As punishment, he is sent to the school’s Underground Student Council’s prison.
Here’s how you can watch and stream Prison School Season 1 via streaming services such as Crunchyroll.
Is Prison School Season 1 available to watch via streaming?
Yes, Prison School Season 1 is available to watch via streaming on Crunchyroll.
Prison School Season 1 follows Kiyoshi who is one the 5 male students enrolled in a once all-girls academy. Kiyoshi gets caught peeping at girls and is taken to the Underground Student Council’s prison. Inside this prison, Kiyoshi and his four fellow inmates face harsh punishments and humiliating situations from the sadistic female student council members. As they try to escape and clear their names, they also have to deal with their hormonal urges and the growing chaos within the prison. It is a comedy anime with over-the-top fan service and dark humor and not for the faint of heart.
Prison School Season 1′ cast includes voice actors. Hiroshi Kamiya as the voice of Kiyoshi Fujino , Katsuyuki Konishi as Joji Nezu , Kenichi Suzumura as Shingo Wakamoto and Yuma Uchida as Reiji Ando.
Watch Prison School Season 1 streaming via Crunchyroll
Prison School Season 1 is available to watch on Crunchyroll.
Crunchyroll is an anime streaming service offering a vast library of simulcasts, dubbed episodes, and classic anime. It also features Crunchyroll Originals, mobile gaming options, and merchandise discounts. Both a free tier with limited features and a premium membership that unlocks ad-free viewing, offline downloads, and multiple simultaneous streams are available.
You can watch via Crunchyroll by following these steps:
- Go to
- Choose your payment plan:
- $7.99 per month (Fan)
- $9.99 per month (Mega Fan)
- $14.99 per month (Ultimate Fan)
- Enter your personal information and select ‘Create Account’
The Crunchyroll Fan plan lets users stream the service’s entire library ad-free, watch new episodes shortly after they air in Japan, and read digital manga.
The Mega Fan plan offers the same service but also lets users stream on up to four devices at a time, allows offline viewing, and provides a $15 discount off $100+ purchases in the Crunchyroll Store every three months.
The Ultimate Fan plan offers all of the above on up to six devices at once, $25 off Crunchyroll Store purchases over $100 every three months, free shipping on all purchases, and an exclusive “swag bag” after 12 months of subscribing.
Prison School Season 1′ synopsis is as follows:
“Hachimitsu Academy, once an all-girls school, has become co-ed, and teen Kiyoshi is one of five boys to enroll. When he is caught peeping, Kiyoshi is sent to the school’s prison, where his punishment is carried out.”
NOTE: The streaming services listed above are subject to change. The information provided was correct at the time of writing.