The Eminence in Shadow Movie is an upcoming anime film based on the namesake isekai dark fantasy light novel series written by Daisuke Aizawa and illustrated by Tōzai. It’s unclear whether it will be released in theaters and what plot it will have, but we can safely speculate that the film will be someway connected to the two seasons of The Eminence in Shadow anime TV series, developed by Studio Nexus. If you are wondering when The Eminence in Shadow Movie is coming out, this is what we have discovered.
Here’s all The Eminence in Shadow Movie release date information we know so far, and all the details on when it is coming out.
Is there a The Eminence in Shadow Movie release date?
The Eminence in Shadow Movie release date could arrive by mid-to-late 2024.
As Season 2 of The Eminence in Shadow drew to a close, it was announced that the next entry in the anime part of the media franchise of the same name would be a film. A teaser poster was released on social media along with the film’s title, The Eminence in Shadow – Lost Echoes. Not much is known beyond that about the film. By the end of the second season, the anime had adapted about halfway into volume four. The upcoming film can potentially cover the rest of the fourth volume and beyond or can be based on an original story.
Seasons 1 and 2 premiered on October 5, 2022, and October 4, 2023, respectively. As the film is the next chapter of the anime version of the story, it can also potentially come out in late 2024. Alternatively, the producers might have plans to develop Season 3 and release it in late 2024. If that’s the case, The Eminence in Shadow Movie can come out in mid-2024.
This date is an estimation based on the information we have at the time of this writing.
The voice cast probably includes Seiichiro Yamashita as Cid Kagenou, Rina Hidaka as Claire Kagenou, Kana Hanazawa as Alexia Midgar, Haruka Shiraishi as Rose Oriana, Yui Horie as Akane Nishino, and more.