Gargoyles is a Walt Disney Television Animation and Buena Vista Television animated television series developed by Greg Weisman. It aired from October 24, 1994 to February 15, 1997. The series follows a clan of nocturnal animals known as Gargoyles, who turn to stone during the day, and focuses on the clan’s leader Goliath. In 994 A.D., the clan lived among humans in a castle in medieval Scotland. Many of them are betrayed and killed, and the others are magically frozen in stone until the castle rises above the clouds. If you’re wondering where to watch the series online, we’ve got you!
Here’s where you can watch Gargoyles online.
Where can you watch and stream Gargoyles?
You can watch and stream Gargoyles on Disney Plus.
Created by Greg Weisman, the voice cast includes:
- Keith David as Goliath
- Marina Sirtis as Demona
- Jonathan Frakes as David Xanatos
- Michael Dorn as Coldstone
- Brent Spiner as Puck
- John Rhys-Davies as Macbeth
- Rachel Ticotin as Maria Chavez
How to watch Gargoyles and stream online
In order to watch and stream Gargoyles online, you’ll have to subscribe to Disney Plus. You can sign up via the Disney Plus app or its website. You can also access Disney Plus on Roku, Amazon Fire TV, iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Chromecast, PS4, Xbox One, Android TV, and Chromebooks.
Viewers who subscribe to Disney Plus gain access to a variety of films and television shows produced by Disney, Marvel, Pixar, 20th Century Fox, Lucasfilm, and National Geographic. Disney Plus offers three subscription plans, which are as follows:
- Basic plan with Ads at $7.99 per month
- Premium plan without Ads at $10.99 per month
- Premium plan without Ads at $109.99 per year
However, you should also note that the ad-free Disney Plus monthly premium plan will cost $13.99 from October 12, 2023.
The official synopsis for Gargoyles reads:
“In Scotland, 994 A.D. Goliath and his clan of gargoyles defend a medieval castle. In present day, David Xanatos buys the castle and moves it to New York City. When the castle is attacked the gargoyles are awakened from a 1000-year curse.”
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