heart of stone end credits
Credit: Netflix

Heart of Stone End Credits Scene: Is There a Post-Credits or Mid-Credit Sequence?

A Heart of Stone end credits scene could tease a potential sequel, the return of a villain who the audience thought dead, or both. For those wondering if there is a post-credits or mid-credit sequence, here’s what you need to know.

Is there a Heart of Stone end credits scene?

No, there is no Heart of Stone end credits scene.

Following the movie’s conclusion, the screen fades to black and the credits begin to roll. Viewers are then free to either sit through the credits as a sign of appreciation for those who worked on the movie, and perhaps to also put names to actors that you found familiar.

Unfortunately, for those hoping that a Heart of Stones post-credits scene would tease a sequel or the return of a villain, that simply isn’t the case. There is nothing awaiting viewers who stubbornly stick through until the very end.

Ever since superhero movies started placing both mid-credit and end-credit scenes at the end of almost every film, audiences have started to assume that all movies will have some form of secret bonus ending, as a reward for those who remained in their seats. With Heart of Stone, this simply isn’t the case.

The way that Netflix minimizes the movie as soon as the credits begin to roll can be used as a way to know whether or not a film has any post-credits scenes. If Netflix automatically minimizes the movie, then it likely has no bonus scene waiting.

Perhaps Heart of Stone 2 — if it’s ever made — will feature a post-credits scene to satisfy audiences who desperately need to see some extra sequence once the names have scrolled by.

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