Darth Vader A Star Wars Story Trailer Fake Real Teaser
Image Credit: Disney

Is Darth Vader: A Star Wars Story Trailer Real?: Is a Lord Vader Movie Being Made?

Trailers for Darth Vader: A Star Wars Story have started appearing over the last few months, confusing viewers. You may be wondering if Disney snuck out an announcement for a Lord Vader movie that you might have missed, but upon viewing, something seems off about these teasers. So, are the Darth Vader: A Star Wars Story trailers fake, or is a new film featuring the Dark Lord of the Sith in the works?

Is the Darth Vader: A Star Wars Story trailer fake or real?

Any Darth Vader: A Star Wars Story trailer you see is fake. As we previously reported when these trailers were using the title Lord Vader: A Star Wars Story, no movie by either name has been announced. Unlike other fake teasers that claim to feature previously announced films like The New Jedi Order, these are entirely made up.

There is a fan edit of Revenge of the Sith called “Vader: A Star Wars Story,” but that’s about it. Disney already has several Star Wars films in the works, and none of them will feature Darth Vader.

Unfortunately, many YouTube channels continually produce fake clickbait trailers. They hastily edit a few clips from different films together and claim it’s a trailer for an upcoming (or non-existent) movie. Some of the more sophisticated channels use AI-generated video and audio, but it’s pretty easy to spot that there’s something off about these teasers.

Despite the proliferation of these fake trailer channels, YouTube and Google haven’t taken any action against them. Generating misleading content is against the terms of service of both sites, but these counterfeit trailers routinely show up alongside official content. Strangely, it doesn’t seem like Disney cares much either, despite official logos being used on the thumbnails in an attempt to trick viewers into thinking the video is official.

Fortunately, you can easily tell these trailers are fake. If they don’t appear on a company’s official YouTube channel, they’re not real. There’s no way Disney will let some random channel publish a trailer before the official Star Wars account. So, if you get confused, just double-check with the source, and you’ll find your answer.

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