POLL: Which Super Bowl 50 Movie Spot Was Your Favorite?

Yesterday’s Super Bowl 50 was so packed with movie-related commercials, it may as well have been called the Movie Bowl. We got our first glimpse at the return of Matt Damon’s Jason Bourne, heard the lovely roar of the Cloverfield monster, and saw Paul Rudd’s Ant-Man take on The Incredible Hulk over a mini-can of Coca-Cola.

Yes, it was a pretty tremendous night for movie fans, and in the spirit of great American competition, we want to pit all 13 of the Super Bowl 50 movie-related spots against each other in the gladiatorial match we like to call a POLL. Check out the below poll and vote for your favorite Super Bowl 50 spot, which may give studios an idea of what you guys did and didn’t like among the upcoming crop of blockbusters. Or, you just might greenlight an Ant-Man/Hulk team-up movie!

If you haven’t had a chance to watch all the spots yet, you can find them all here.

Which one of the following Super Bowl 50 spots was your favorite? in ComingSoon Contests and Polls on LockerDome

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