Title for Next Mission: Impossible Revealed

After filming in Prague, the production for the new “Mission: Impossible” movie is moving on to Dubai. Director Brad Bird, executive producer Jeffrey Chernov, producer Bryan Burke, Tom Cruise, Jeremy Renner and Paul Patton held a press conference there on Thursday revealing where they’ll shoot and that the title for the film will be Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol.

Burke mentioned that “we will be shooting in the building you are all sitting in right now,” referring to Burj Khalifa, the world’s tallest tower at 2,717 feet, where the news conference was held (see photo below).

“I’ll be spending many days, many hours on the side of this building,” Cruise added. “I can’t give you details, but I will be up there.”

In addition to Dubai and Prague, filming will also take place in Moscow and Vancouver. Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol hits theaters on December 16, 2011.

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