ON DVD TODAY: April 1, 2008

Only one must buy this week, but it is one certainly worthy of picking up. I really liked just about everything Sweeney Todd had to offer from the music, to the performances and direction. It was the first time in a long time it seemed Tim Burton’s directing style managed to really find a home with his subject matter. David gave a good review of the 2-disc set here should you be interested, but if you are any kind of movielover this should be good for a blind buy. BUY IT AT AMAZON
Available on DVD and Blu-ray comes Fox’s rather well received Alvin and the Chipmunks. Originally there was supposed to be a 2-disc version as well, but it seems that is being held for the double dip. BUY IT AT AMAZON
Speaking of Blu-ray releases the best of this week has got to be M. Night Shyamalan’s Unbreakable, a film I did not originally like all that much, but have a new respect for after a second viewing. The Blu-ray transfer looks great, but more importantly I realized that whether you like Shyamalan’s films or not you have to admit he gets good performances out of his actors and also offers up stories you haven’t heard before. You have got to respect someone that at least tries something different rather than just the same old, same old. BUY IT AT AMAZON
A lot of people have told me this movie is funny, but I have still not seen it. The sequel looks mildly entertaining but I am still not rushing out to watch it. BUY IT AT AMAZON
Gwyneth Paltrow’s brother Jake directs her, Martin Freeman, Simon Pegg, Penélope Cruz and Danny DeVito in this rom-com that managed a meager $22k in theaters. That doesn’t mean it is bad, it just means it was only released in 2 theaters. Hard to do well at the box-office considering those numbers. BUY IT AT AMAZON
Yup, another Blu-ray release and this one is hard to recommend since it really isn’t a great film and if you already own it there is no reason to upgrade. This Blu release does come with both the unrated edition and theatrical version so you basically get to choose between Perabo boobies or not. Yay! BUY IT AT AMAZON
Hidalgo was decent, but it wasn’t anything to write home about or anything to rush out and buy. Should you find this one on the rental shelf maybe you should check it out, otherwise nevermind. BUY IT AT AMAZON
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