Harry Potter 5 Set Visit – Emma Watson

Harry Potter fans have watched Emma Watson portray Hermione Granger since 2001 when she made her acting debut in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone and has since continued to show her impressive acting abilities in the sequels to the blockbuster movie.

ComingSoon.net talked to the young actress on the set of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix about what fans can expect from this fifth film.

ComingSoon.net: This film is a little darker for you. You and Ron have some issues… do you actually throw him against the wall?

Emma Watson: Yes, yes I do. He makes the big mistake of patronizing her. He says “I’ll go easy on you” just as they are about to duel and she goes “Right, that’s it. You’re dead” and absolutely catapults him against a back wall. It was a real “girl power” moment, of which there are many in this film.

CS: Can you talk about shooting that?

Watson: It was funny really, just a very good laugh.

CS: Did you enjoy filming the Defense Against the Dark Arts scenes?

Watson: They were really fun actually. We had sort of a regular group of kids in there with us and we did the spells. It was really good fun.

CS: This is the fifth movie you’ve worked with everybody now, all sort of growing up. What’s the fun for you this time around? How are you making it fresh for yourself?

Watson: I think David Yates is keeping it fresh for me. It’s amazing. This is my fourth director and they all seem so different. He’s quite quiet, very calm, very thoughtful, very sensitive. He’s very much into finding the truth in the character and in the performance, he’s a real actor’s director. That’s great for me. He’ll pull an even better performance.

CS: Are you thoroughly sick of everybody you’re working with now, after all of these years?

Watson: No, it’s nice. We had quite a long break after the fourth one, so it’s nice to come back and see everyone again.

CS: As the movies progress, do you find that your personality has carried over into your character or vice versa?

Watson: Everyone’s taking the piss at me because I did really well at my exams. It’s been a bit of an ongoing joke the past couple of weeks, but I think it’s a compliment. I’d like to think that she’s a role model, definitely. I think she rocks. I don’t think there’s anyone on screen who can compete with her really, female action hero wise.

CS: Aside from throwing Rupert, what’s been your favorite scene to film?

Watson: I just had quite a lot of fun working with the movement coach (he’s actually a choreographer) for the last scene when we fight the Death Eaters. He’s incorporating some choreography into the movements, the fighting, the action sequences. It’s actually really interesting and was really good fun. The fight scenes between Voldemort and Dumbledore, watch out for that. It should be really, really good.

CS: What did we just watch you shoot?

Watson: They’ve just persuaded Harry that he’s going to do this Dumbledore’s Army thing and he’s going to teach everyone what to do. It’s just that conversation and I think David was trying to get from it a sort of energy and a sense of how excited they all are as they do something rebellious. There’s a quite a funny line in it where Hermione says “It’s really fun breaking the rules” and Ron’s like “What have you done with Hermione Granger?” (laughs)

CS: Can you talk about some of the preparation that David has had you do on this? You’ve been in this character for such a long while. What’s his take on it and has he asked you to delve into it deeper?

Watson: We just had conversations about it. I think he sees it as being very valuable to him, to have three characters who have worked together and literally grown up together, and been in the same film for so many years. He loves it because he loves the history and the depth and everything that that can bring to it. Every character has a story now, so it’s just really using that to its full potential.

CS: In the fourth film, you got to dress up and dance and be girly. Do you have anything in this film?

Watson: No, no. She’s back. Actually, Jany [Temime] who is head of costume said “This one is Hermione tomboy. She’s back to being one of the guys.” It’s quite powerful for Hermione, this one. She’s the one who makes everything happen. It’s very similar to the role she had in the third one where she’s just like “Right, we’re going to do this and you guys are coming with me.” (laughs) She’s dragging them off everywhere so it’s really cool. It’s a powerful female role.

CS: Now that you’re past your exams, are you able to think beyond Harry Potter?

Watson: Unfortunately, in England, A-level [exams] are the next project. I don’t know yet. I’ve still got a while to go on this to finish this.

CS: Are you looking for another project or being considered for any other projects?

Watson: Yeah, maybe. Nothing I can talk about. I want to find something that I really want to do that’s very special. We’ll see.

CS: When J.K. Rowling came to the set, did you get to meet her?

Watson: I wasn’t here unfortunately. I saw her at the Queen’s birthday celebration where she put on this play and we had a good chat.

CS: Has she told you anything about Hermione’s future?

Watson: No, she’s hasn’t.

CS: What do you think it going to happen?

Watson: Well, there’s quite a big difference between what I’d like to have happen and what actually will happen. I’d like to think that Hermione and Ron will end up together. It’s been like five films where they’ve gone at it. I hope that she uses her intelligence, her determination, grit and strength, everything that’s great about her and does something really amazing with that. [I hope] she finds a job that really challenges her and pushes her.

CS: Is there some more awkwardness between Hermione and Ron in this one?

Watson: Oh yeah, there always is. I think actually the smashing Ron up against the wall is kind of again, that “you twit!” She’s still pretty pissed about that and taking it out on him basically. It’s just sort of this little bickering thing that they have. She’s just generally giving him a hard time and vice versa.

CS: How are the new actors that you worked with? Imelda, Evanna?

Watson: Evanna is Luna Lovegood. It’s actually scary. I can’t tell you, it’s amazing. She’s so lovely and so much fun. That was really nice. Imelda Staunton, amazing actress, I was really excited to work with her, also very funny. She just keeps everyone laughing between takes which is great and always good to have around.

CS: What was it like to take break during the filming of this, to take your exams, and then come back? Did that break your concentration?

Watson: No, it made me want to get back to it, made me eager again.

CS: How frequently are you recognized in public?

Watson: It depends on where I am really, and what I am doing. Quite a bit. I still take public transport. I’m running around and doing my thing. Actually, sometimes, if you’re in a bus or whatever, people come up to me “haha, that’s really funny, you look like the girl in Harry Potter.” People have just been so sure, that’s happened a couple of times and it makes me laugh, makes me smile.

Read Part 5 – Matthew Lewis Interview »

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