Killer Trailer Sees a Quarantine Game Turn Deadly

Gravitas Ventures has released a new Killer trailer for the quarantine slasher by A.D. Smith.

Killer Trailer Details a Deadly Game

In March of 2020, a two-week shutdown is ordered across the country after a virus strikes the nation. Ten college friends decide to quarantine together under the same roof. To pass the

time, they play a parlor game that makes one of them a killer and the others, the community.

But what happens when the game becomes real? The two couples, Brandon/Cindy and Will/Kelly just want to spend the next two weeks together hanging out in the first mass

quarantine of the century. But their friend Sam is all too eager to party and has made other plans, inviting five more of their crew. What they thought would be a two-week vacation turns into a two-month prison term as the quarantine is extended and they are forced to stay in the house after one of them contracts the virus.

Friends turn into foes, secrets are revealed, and a mysterious masked slasher turns their pastime into his/her own murderous entertainment.

Killer stars Madison Alexander, Larshay Watson, Blaine Jewell, Charisse Bland, Jeneka Jenae, Shannon Walton, Divine Dent, Mason Heller, Aric K. Delashmit, The Brock, Chasity Nicole, and Dennis Sherrod.

Killer is on VOD from December 26, 2023.

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