Danny Boyle Talks Trance in Two New Featurettes

Fox Searchlight Pictures has revealed two new interview featurettes for Danny Boyle’s latest, Trance, starring James McAvoy, Vincent Cassel and Rosario Dawson. Both are comprised of interviews with the director that were filmed during his preview tour of the film and you can check them out in the players below!

In the film, fine art auctioneer Simon (McAvoy), in league with a gang led by underworld boss Franck (Cassel), plots the audacious theft of a masterpiece by Goya from a major public auction. When Simon double-crosses the gang during the robbery, Franck retaliates violently and knocks him unconscious.

In the aftermath of the heist, Simon sticks stubbornly – and perhaps shrewdly – to his claim that the violent trauma has left him with no memory of where he stashed the artwork.

Unable to coerce the painting’s location from Simon, Franck and his associates reluctantly join forces with a charismatic hypnotherapist (Dawson) in a bid to get him to talk. But as they journey deeper into Simon’s jumbled psyche the boundaries between reality and hypnotic suggestion begin to blur and the stakes rise faster and far more dangerously than any of the players could have anticipated.

Trance hits theaters April 5 and you can check out ComingSoon.net’s own interviews with Boyle and his cast by clicking here.

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