The RopeofSilicon Movie Club: Introduction and Schedule

I opened up the idea to starting a Movie Club here on only yesterday and the response was more than encouraging. As such, I’d rather get it started earlier than later so here goes.

Just like a book club, the RopeofSilicon Movie Club will involve watching a movie and then gathering every Monday to discuss it openly and freely without fear of having the “wrong” opinion. The primary objective I had with this idea was to try and come up with some way to discuss older movies rather than consistently focusing on the marketing efforts of the newer ones. The Internet is dominated by rumors and speculation over movies that haven’t even been made yet making it seem as if the reason we’re even has gotten lost… the movies themselves.

In recent weeks my Sunday What I Watched column has started to encourage far more conversation and I wanted to tap into that enthusiasm and bring us together as a community even further and do so in a positive way. Thus begins the RopeofSilicon Movie Club, the first “meeting” of which is slated to take place on October 15 as I want to make sure there is always more than enough time for everyone to see each week’s movie in time to discuss it.

I will be putting together a landing page for the club where a schedule of upcoming films will be kept along with archived discussions, but for now here are the first three films that will be discussed:

October 15, 2012

Picnic at Hanging Rock

dir. Peter Weir

[amazon asin=”0780021134″ text=”Amazon”] | Netflix

October 22, 2012

The Ice Storm

dir. Ang Lee

[amazon asin=”B0011U3OAQ” text=”Amazon”] | [amazon asin=”B000I9UA7Q” text=”Amazon Instant”] | Netflix

October 29, 2012

sex, lies and videotape

dir. Steven Soderbergh

[amazon asin=”0767812158″ text=”Amazon DVD”] | [amazon asin=”B002D755A8″ text=”Amazon Blu-ray”] | Netflix

November 5, 2012

The Sugarland Express

dir. Steven Spielberg

[amazon asin=”B00028HBIE” text=”Amazon”] | Netflix

The discussions will take place in the comment section of an article I will write pertaining to each film scheduled for that day. I will come up with a few talking points, introduce my thoughts and let the conversation go wherever it may.

While I have come up with the first four titles we’ll be discussing, moving forward, at the end of each Movie Club article I will post a poll with several options for the movie to be discussed four weeks from then. This way we will always have enough time to prepare and we can all get involved in deciding what movies to watch.

For the future, I have a few ideas on how to make it a bit more interactive outside of just posting comments, but I don’t want to say too much yet and end up over-promising and under-delivering, but I am open to any suggestions you may have.

I also welcome any suggestions for films to watch. I will begin work on a landing page for the club immediately and hopefully have it finished within the week, until then, please add any suggestions, comments or thoughts directly below and let’s see where this takes us.

Movie News
Marvel and DC